Friday, December 18, 2009

Priest Leveling Guide - Things To Do When Working On Your Priest

By Joyce J. Rydolph

This Priest leveling guide is not written to provide you a step-by-step method of leveling your priest. There are other ways for you to do that. The tricks and tips offered in this article though will present you a smoother transition from level to level until you reach past 70 because if you are not there yet, you would want to get there fast and quick.

Levels 1 to 20 - At this very early level, it is very essential to do the entire quest that opens. Do not change to another opening area. Stick out with your starting areas longer as there are quests and specific spells here that you will need. Wander around the given area and take everything and do everything that is there. The mines and chasms in the area could present more opportunities. Some runs in these areas when coupled with quests in the dungeons will hasten you to level' and then with a few grinding and questing in the wailing taverns could get you faster to level 20.

Level 21 to 30 - You will be getting quite a good experience in the deadmines or the wailing taverns. Again do not be in a hurry to go up to a higher instance. Continue grinding and questing in near the area where you are located. If you are playing Alliance, for example, the Redridge, Ashenvale or Wetlands are good options. When playing Horde, Duskwood, Barrens or parts of Ashenvale are good choices. Depending on the choices that you take, acceleration to these levels will be harder, shorter or longer although every choice will be thrilling that you will not want to miss out. When yours is a Priest for the Horde, questing at the Gnormegan Forest will hasten you from level 28 to level 32 faster.

Level 31 to 40 - So many quest choices to do here with a lot of challenges since you have not shored enough money yet to buy a mount. If you want a more rapid quest, you have to skip Razorfen downs and instead choose the cathedral or the library and uldaman (at level 38).

Level 41 to 50 - Now that you are at last at Shadowform, buy a mount. You will also have less grinding to do at this stage. If you are a Shadow priest, pick the quests at Tanaris. This will be your speed lane from level 41 to 50. For Holy priest, take Maraudon.

Level 51 to 59 - Felwood is your best choice during the earlier levels. Silitus and Winterspring is your best bet if playing the Shadow priest.

Level 60 to 70 - The easiest and fastest instance is to grind at the Hellfire Ramparts. To get to level 64 fast, you have to do the questing on the slave pens about Zangarmarsh. do the underbog at level 64. The Auchenai forest is also a good quest. The slave pens are now easier and you will be going for faster runs. Now that you are done with Zangermarsh upon reaching level 65, proceed already to the Sahttrath forest and when done, do not try the other quests, go instead to Nagrand. Here, the elementals will provide you with things that will enable you to purchase or craft epic set gear later. For efficiency, go to Shadowmoon and Netherstorm starting at level 68. Spend your money well because when you arrive at level 70, you will need a flying mount to get you inside the tempest keep.

Often, it will be very tempting to learn shortcuts and some people will buy a Priest leveling guide or download them for free. The other half would want no adventure or quest to be taken off and prefer to run the entire game. For them, this priest leveling guide could be of aid.

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