Thursday, October 15, 2009

A Couple Of Useful Hollywood Movie Plot Lines To Check Out

By Nelson Hawkins

For a long time we have used the video store as one of our main ways to access movies. As technologies have advanced, downloading dvds off movie download sites is becoming very common. Below is a sample of some of the movies you can find using movie download sites.

Good Will Hunting: Four buddies hang out together in South Boston, although one of them has an uncommon present: he's a prodigy. When math professor Skarsgiird gets wind of this, he demands that the youthful guy halt trashing his abilities, and sends him to a psychologist! Professor Williams tries to fracture his brittle shell. This is a well-performed fiction written by co-stars Damon and Ben Affleck that doesn't fall short with a lack of excellent characters. Cast includes Matt Damon, Robin Williams, Ben Affleck,Minnie Driver, SteIlan Skarsgiird, Casey Affleck, and Cole Hauser. (126 minutes, 1997)

Mac and Me: Sort of an E.T. copy in reference to Mac, an outer space being, and his plight in suburban L.A. It is more of a television advertisement than a film. There's a production number set in a McDonald's, and the alien lives on Coca-Cola. Cast includes Christine Ebersole, Jonathan Ward, Katrina Caspary, Lauren Stanley, and Jade Calegory. (93 minutes, 1988)

White Noise: Jonathan Rivers has lost his wife Anne. Then, he is contacted by a man who claims to have heard Anne's voice, and has a recording of it. Then Jonathan himself captures a recording of Anne's voice, and an image of her on video. Anne's message to Jonathan is to find the brutal killer that took her life, so he won't harm anyone else.

Metroland: Chris Bale, an easy going wedded gentleman, is visited by his oldest buddy, a vagabond poet, who convinces him to reflect on his Bohemian nights in late '60s Paris and query the value of his life in London suburbia. Adrian Hodges adjusted Julian Bames' novel. Cast includes Christian Bale, Emily Watson, Lee Ross, Elsa Zylberstein, Rufus, Jonathan Aris, Ifan Meredith, Amanda Ryan, and John Wood. (97 minutes, 1998)

House on 92nd Street: Arousing documentary style drama-based movie. It's about truth and orchestrated on true locations about FBI counterespionage exercises throughout WW2: Nazi representatives, operating in N.Y.C. try to steal part of the atom bomb secrets. Charles G. Booth made an Oscar for this story. Cast includes William Eythe, Lloyd Nolan, Signe Hasso, Gene Lockhart, Leo G. Carroll, and Lydia Clair. (88 minutes, 1945)

The Great Muppet Caper: The Muppets try to solve a London gem robbery in their second film. Here we have smart gags and ideas plus humorous lyrical numbers with Miss Piggy make up for a slow moving script with more than its share of dull moments. Cast includes The Muppet Entertainers Jim Henson, Blunt Oz, Dave Gomez, Jerry Nelson, and Jack Warden. (95 minutes, 1981)

Scandalous John: A Disney comedy Western chronicling what occurs when older, lovably ornery rancher Keith refuses to sell his land to a developer. Keith's wonderful performance as a contemporary Don Quixote gives this one a lift. Cast includes Brian Keith, Michele Carey, Rick Lenz, Harry Morgan, and Simon Oakland. (113 minutes, 1970)

The Interpreter: U.N. translator Silvia Broome overhears a death threat made against an African leader. She knows that she was seen and fears for her life. Upon reporting the event to law enforcement, she finds that help will not come easy.

Prospero's Books: At first challenging although unsatisfactory adaptation of Shakespeare's The Tempest, with most of the dialog mentioned by 87-year-old Gielgud (in the role of Prospero); the other performers are little more than an add on, and there's a mind boggling amount of nudity. The film is stuffed with shocking, layered imagery, attractive production layout and cinematography. Pleasure can rely on your patience for Greenaway's approach to the material. Cast includes John Gielgud, Michael Clark, Michel Blanc, Isabelle Pasco, and Tom Bell. (129 minutes, 1991)

For file downloads use a phrase like "Downloading Online Movies". If the first search proves ineffective type in something different. We would recommend trying "Movies Rentals" for new search results.

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